Utility Definitions

Utility functions are used by both client and server. Different from the Common Definitions, the utlity functions can use the Data Types.

Range Definition

typedef struct {
    UA_UInt32 min;
    UA_UInt32 max;
} UA_UInt32Range;

typedef struct {
    UA_Duration min;
    UA_Duration max;
} UA_DurationRange;

Event-Filter Parsing


typedef struct {
    const UA_Logger *logger;
} UA_EventFilterParserOptions;

UA_EventFilter_parse(UA_EventFilter *filter, UA_ByteString content,
                     UA_EventFilterParserOptions *options);


Random Number Generator

If UA_MULTITHREADING is defined, then the seed is stored in thread local storage. The seed is initialized for every thread in the server/client.

UA_random_seed(UA_UInt64 seed);

UA_UInt32_random(void); /* no cryptographic entropy */

UA_Guid_random(void);   /* no cryptographic entropy */

Key Value Map

Helper functions to work with configuration parameters in an array of UA_KeyValuePair. Lookup is linear. So this is for small numbers of keys. The methods below that accept a const UA_KeyValueMap as an argument also accept NULL for that argument and treat it as an empty map.

typedef struct {
    size_t mapSize;
    UA_KeyValuePair *map;
} UA_KeyValueMap;

extern const UA_KeyValueMap UA_KEYVALUEMAP_NULL;

UA_KeyValueMap *

UA_KeyValueMap_clear(UA_KeyValueMap *map);

UA_KeyValueMap_delete(UA_KeyValueMap *map);

/* Is the map empty (or NULL)? */
UA_KeyValueMap_isEmpty(const UA_KeyValueMap *map);

/* Does the map contain an entry for the key? */
UA_KeyValueMap_contains(const UA_KeyValueMap *map, const UA_QualifiedName key);

/* Insert a copy of the value. Can reallocate the underlying array. This
 * invalidates pointers into the previous array. If the key exists already, the
 * value is overwritten (upsert semantics). */
UA_KeyValueMap_set(UA_KeyValueMap *map,
                   const UA_QualifiedName key,
                   const UA_Variant *value);

/* Helper function for scalar insertion that internally calls
 * `UA_KeyValueMap_set` */
UA_KeyValueMap_setScalar(UA_KeyValueMap *map,
                         const UA_QualifiedName key,
                         void *p,
                         const UA_DataType *type);

/* Returns a pointer to the value or NULL if the key is not found */
const UA_Variant *
UA_KeyValueMap_get(const UA_KeyValueMap *map,
                   const UA_QualifiedName key);

/* Returns NULL if the value for the key is not defined, not of the right
 * datatype or not a scalar */
const void *
UA_KeyValueMap_getScalar(const UA_KeyValueMap *map,
                         const UA_QualifiedName key,
                         const UA_DataType *type);

/* Remove a single entry. To delete the entire map, use `UA_KeyValueMap_clear`. */
UA_KeyValueMap_remove(UA_KeyValueMap *map,
                      const UA_QualifiedName key);

/* Create a deep copy of the given KeyValueMap */
UA_KeyValueMap_copy(const UA_KeyValueMap *src, UA_KeyValueMap *dst);

/* Copy entries from the right-hand-side into the left-hand-size. Reallocates
 * previous memory in the left-hand-side. If the operation fails, both maps are
 * left untouched. */
UA_KeyValueMap_merge(UA_KeyValueMap *lhs, const UA_KeyValueMap *rhs);

Binary Connection Config Parameters

typedef struct {
    UA_UInt32 protocolVersion;
    UA_UInt32 recvBufferSize;
    UA_UInt32 sendBufferSize;
    UA_UInt32 localMaxMessageSize;  /* (0 = unbounded) */
    UA_UInt32 remoteMaxMessageSize; /* (0 = unbounded) */
    UA_UInt32 localMaxChunkCount;   /* (0 = unbounded) */
    UA_UInt32 remoteMaxChunkCount;  /* (0 = unbounded) */
} UA_ConnectionConfig;

Default Node Attributes

Default node attributes to simplify the use of the AddNodes services. For example, Setting the ValueRank and AccessLevel to zero is often an unintended setting and leads to errors that are hard to track down.

/* The default for variables is "BaseDataType" for the datatype, -2 for the
 * valuerank and a read-accesslevel. */
extern const UA_VariableAttributes UA_VariableAttributes_default;
extern const UA_VariableTypeAttributes UA_VariableTypeAttributes_default;

/* Methods are executable by default */
extern const UA_MethodAttributes UA_MethodAttributes_default;

/* The remaining attribute definitions are currently all zeroed out */
extern const UA_ObjectAttributes UA_ObjectAttributes_default;
extern const UA_ObjectTypeAttributes UA_ObjectTypeAttributes_default;
extern const UA_ReferenceTypeAttributes UA_ReferenceTypeAttributes_default;
extern const UA_DataTypeAttributes UA_DataTypeAttributes_default;
extern const UA_ViewAttributes UA_ViewAttributes_default;

Endpoint URL Parser

The endpoint URL parser is generally useful for the implementation of network layer plugins.

/* Split the given endpoint url into hostname, port and path. All arguments must
 * be non-NULL. EndpointUrls have the form "opc.tcp://hostname:port/path", port
 * and path may be omitted (together with the prefix colon and slash).
 * @param endpointUrl The endpoint URL.
 * @param outHostname Set to the parsed hostname. The string points into the
 *        original endpointUrl, so no memory is allocated. If an IPv6 address is
 *        given, hostname contains e.g. '[2001:0db8:85a3::8a2e:0370:7334]'
 * @param outPort Set to the port of the url or left unchanged.
 * @param outPath Set to the path if one is present in the endpointUrl. Can be
 *        NULL. Then not path is returned. Starting or trailing '/' are NOT
 *        included in the path. The string points into the original endpointUrl,
 *        so no memory is allocated.
 * @return Returns UA_STATUSCODE_BADTCPENDPOINTURLINVALID if parsing failed. */
UA_parseEndpointUrl(const UA_String *endpointUrl, UA_String *outHostname,
                    UA_UInt16 *outPort, UA_String *outPath);

/* Split the given endpoint url into hostname, vid and pcp. All arguments must
 * be non-NULL. EndpointUrls have the form "opc.eth://<host>[:<VID>[.PCP]]".
 * The host is a MAC address, an IP address or a registered name like a
 * hostname. The format of a MAC address is six groups of hexadecimal digits,
 * separated by hyphens (e.g. 01-23-45-67-89-ab). A system may also accept
 * hostnames and/or IP addresses if it provides means to resolve it to a MAC
 * address (e.g. DNS and Reverse-ARP).
 * Note: currently only parsing MAC address is supported.
 * @param endpointUrl The endpoint URL.
 * @param vid Set to VLAN ID.
 * @param pcp Set to Priority Code Point.
 * @return Returns UA_STATUSCODE_BADINTERNALERROR if parsing failed. */
UA_parseEndpointUrlEthernet(const UA_String *endpointUrl, UA_String *target,
                            UA_UInt16 *vid, UA_Byte *pcp);

/* Convert given byte string to a positive number. Returns the number of valid
 * digits. Stops if a non-digit char is found and returns the number of digits
 * up to that point. */
UA_readNumber(const UA_Byte *buf, size_t buflen, UA_UInt32 *number);

/* Same as UA_ReadNumber but with a base parameter */
UA_readNumberWithBase(const UA_Byte *buf, size_t buflen,
                      UA_UInt32 *number, UA_Byte base);

#ifndef UA_MIN
#define UA_MIN(A, B) ((A) > (B) ? (B) : (A))

#ifndef UA_MAX
#define UA_MAX(A, B) ((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B))

Escaping of Strings


The “and-escaping” of strings is described in Part 4, A2. The & character is used to escape the reserved characters /.<>:#!&. So the string My.String becomes My&.String.

In addition to the standard we define “extended-and-escaping” where additionaly commas, semicolons, brackets and whitespace characters are escaped. This improves the parsing in a larger context, as a lexer can find the end of the escaped string. The additionally reserved characters for the extended escaping are ,()[] \t\n\v\f\r.

This documentation always states whether “and-escaping” or the “extended-and-escaping is used.


Percent-escaped characters get encoded as %xx where xx is the hex-string for an 8-bit octet. Its use is stated in Part 6 of the OPC UA specification for human-readable QualifiedNames, NodeIds and ExpandedNodeIds. The specification (only) requires that the ; characters gets escaped, and that decoders allow percent-escaping of any character.

Percent-escaping was originally defined for URIs. RFC 3986 defines a set of reserved characters (delimiters) that require escaping when they are used within URI components. But the reserved characters can be used directly in an URI to “delimit” between its components.

For the percent-escaping (e.g. used for the NamespaceUri part of the NodeId in UA_NodeId_printEx), the reserved characters are the semicolon, the percent character, whitespaces and unprintable ASCII control codes. Besides those, any UTF8 encoding is allowed.

In some contexts the semicolon alone is not sufficient as the delimiter. For our non-standard extended-percent-escaping the reserved characters are the following (in addition to whitespaces and unprintable ASCII control codes).:

' ' - %20     '(' - %28     '>' - %3E
'"' - %22     ')' - %29     '[' - %5B
'#' - %23     ',' - %2C     '\' - %5C
'%' - %25     '/' - %2F     ']' - %5D
'&' - %26     ';' - %3B     '`' - %60
''' - %27     '<' - %3C

RelativePath Expressions

Parse a RelativePath according to the format defined in Part 4, A2. This is used e.g. for the BrowsePath structure.

RelativePath := ( ReferenceType BrowseName )+

The ReferenceType has one of the following formats:

  • /: HierarchicalReferences and subtypes

  • .: Aggregates ReferenceTypes and subtypes

  • < [!#]* BrowseName >: The ReferenceType is indicated by its BrowseName. Reserved characters in the BrowseName are and-escaped. The following prefix-modifiers are defined for the ReferenceType.

    • ! switches to inverse References

    • # excludes subtypes of the ReferenceType.

    • As a non-standard extension we allow the ReferenceType in angle-brackets as a NodeId. For example <ns=1;i=345>. If a string NodeId is used, the string identifier is and-escaped.

The BrowseName is a QualifiedName. It consist of an optional NamespaceIndex and the name itself. The NamespaceIndex can be left out for the default Namespace zero. The name component is and-escaped (see above).

BrowseName := ([0-9]+ ":")? Name

The last BrowseName in a RelativePath can be omitted. This acts as a wildcard that matches any BrowseName.

Example RelativePaths

  • /2:Block&.Output

  • /3:Truck.0:NodeVersion

  • <0:HasProperty>1:Boiler/1:HeatSensor

  • <0:HasChild>2:Wheel

  • <#Aggregates>1:Boiler/

  • <!HasChild>Truck

  • <HasChild>

UA_RelativePath_parse(UA_RelativePath *rp, const UA_String str);

/* Supports the lookup of non-standard ReferenceTypes by their browse name in
 * the information model of a server. The first matching result in the
 * ReferenceType hierarchy is used. */
UA_RelativePath_parseWithServer(UA_Server *server, UA_RelativePath *rp,
                                const UA_String str);

/* The out-string can be pre-allocated. Then the size is adjusted or an error
 * returned. If the out-string is NULL, then memory is allocated for it. */
UA_RelativePath_print(const UA_RelativePath *rp, UA_String *out);

Attribute Path Expression

The data types ReadValueId, AttributeOperand and SimpleAttributeOperand define the location of a value. That is, they define an attribute (with an optional index-range) of a node in the information model. The AttributeOperand data type has the most features. The other two are similar but simplified:

ReadValueId :=

NodeId? (“#” Attribute)? (“[” IndexRange “]”)?

AttributeOperand :=

NodeId? RelativePath? (“#” Attribute)? (“[” IndexRange “]”)?

SimpleAttributeOperand :=

TypeDefId? (“/” BrowseName)* (“#” Attribute)? (“[” IndexRange “]”)?

The ReadValueId is used for the Read Service. The default NodeId is i=0. The default attribute is #Value.

The AttributeOperand is used for the Query Service. It extends the ReadValueId with a RelativePath to be followed from the initial node. The default NodeId is the ObjectsFolder i=85. The default attribute is #Value.

The SimpleAttributeOperand is used for the Query Service and for Event-Filter Parsing. It is a simplified AttributeOperand where all references in the RelativePath are (subtypes of) HierarchicalReferences. So the / separator is mandatory. The initial NodeId is called TypeDefinitionId because SimpleAttributeOperands are typically used in EventFilters to reference the child nodes of an EventType to select the values reported for each event instance.

The different parts of the expression are parsed as follows:

  • The NodeId uses the human-readable format of Part 6, String NodeIds use the extended-and-escaping from above.

  • The RelativePath Expressions use the human-readable format with extended-and-escaping for strings.

  • The Attribute Id is the human-readable name of the selected node attribute.

  • For the index range, see the section on NumericRange.

Example SimpleAttributeOperands

  • ns=2;s=TruckEventType/3:Truck/5:Wheel#Value[1:3]

  • /3:Truck/5:Wheel

  • #BrowseName

UA_ReadValueId_parse(UA_ReadValueId *rvi,
                     const UA_String str);

UA_AttributeOperand_parse(UA_AttributeOperand *ao,
                          const UA_String str);

UA_SimpleAttributeOperand_parse(UA_SimpleAttributeOperand *sao,
                                const UA_String str);

/* The out-string can be pre-allocated. Then the size is adjusted or an error
 * returned. If the out-string is NULL, then memory is allocated for it. */
UA_ReadValueId_print(const UA_ReadValueId *rvi,
                     UA_String *out);

UA_AttributeOperand_print(const UA_AttributeOperand *ao,
                          UA_String *out);

UA_SimpleAttributeOperand_print(const UA_SimpleAttributeOperand *sao,
                                UA_String *out);

Convenience macros for complex types

#define UA_PRINTF_GUID_FORMAT                                           \
    "%08" PRIx32 "-%04" PRIx16 "-%04" PRIx16 "-%02" PRIx8 "%02" PRIx8   \
    "-%02" PRIx8 "%02" PRIx8 "%02" PRIx8  "%02" PRIx8 "%02" PRIx8 "%02" PRIx8
#define UA_PRINTF_GUID_DATA(GUID) (GUID).data1, (GUID).data2, (GUID).data3, \
        (GUID).data4[0], (GUID).data4[1], (GUID).data4[2], (GUID).data4[3], \
        (GUID).data4[4], (GUID).data4[5], (GUID).data4[6], (GUID).data4[7]

#define UA_PRINTF_STRING_FORMAT "\"%.*s\""
#define UA_PRINTF_STRING_DATA(STRING) (int)(STRING).length, (STRING).data

Cryptography Helpers

/* Compare memory in constant time to mitigate timing attacks.
 * Returns true if ptr1 and ptr2 are equal for length bytes. */
UA_constantTimeEqual(const void *ptr1, const void *ptr2, size_t length);

/* Zero-out memory in a way that is not removed by compiler-optimizations. Use
 * this to ensure cryptographic secrets don't leave traces after the memory was
 * freed. */
UA_ByteString_memZero(UA_ByteString *bs);

Trustlist Helpers

/* Adds all of the certificates from the src trusted list to the dst trusted list. */
UA_TrustListDataType_add(const UA_TrustListDataType *src, UA_TrustListDataType *dst);

/* Replaces the contents of the destination trusted list with the certificates from the source trusted list. */
UA_TrustListDataType_set(const UA_TrustListDataType *src, UA_TrustListDataType *dst);

/* Removes all of the certificates from the dst trust list that are specified
 * in the src trust list. */
UA_TrustListDataType_remove(const UA_TrustListDataType *src, UA_TrustListDataType *dst);

/* Checks if the certificate is present in the trust list.
 * The mask parameter can be used to specify the part of the trust list to check. */
UA_TrustListDataType_contains(const UA_TrustListDataType *trustList,
                              const UA_ByteString *certificate,
                              UA_TrustListMasks mask);

/* Returns the size of the TrustList in bytes. */
UA_TrustListDataType_getSize(const UA_TrustListDataType *trustList);